Blaqk Stereo

Blaqk Stereo

Blaqk Stereo


1 month

Mobile App


1 month

Mobile App


1 month

Mobile App

Project Overview

Blaqk Stereo is a pioneering web3 music platform designed to bridge the gap between artists and listeners by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized crowdfunding. In an era where the traditional music industry often leaves creators with limited control and transparency, Blaqk Stereo aims to empower artists while providing fans with unique ways to engage with and support their favorite musicians.

As the Product designer on this project, my mission was to create an immersive, user-friendly app that streamlined the creative process for artists while seamlessly incorporating innovative web3 features like NFT minting, trading, and crowdfunding campaign management. By deeply understanding the needs and pain points of both creators and consumers, I strived to design an experience that would transform the way music is created, distributed, and appreciated.

User Research

To gain a comprehensive understanding of our target users' needs, motivations, and frustrations, I conducted extensive user research spanning multiple methodologies:

Musicians & Creators:
  • Contextual inquiries observing artists in their creative environments, such as recording studios and live performances, to witness firsthand the challenges they face in the traditional music industry.

  • In-depth interviews with independent musicians, band managers, and music label representatives to uncover their desire for new revenue models like NFT sales, crowdfunding campaigns, and tokenized royalties that provide more control and transparency.

  • Participatory design workshops with creators to collaboratively ideate and gather feedback on features they would find valuable, such as tools for launching and effectively managing crowdfunding initiatives.

Music Fans & NFT Enthusiasts:
  • Online surveys and polls distributed through music forums, social media, and web3 communities to understand their preferences for seamless music discovery and consumption experiences, as well as their interest in unique ways to support artists and engage with music ownership through NFTs.

  • Ethnographic studies observing the behavior of music fans and NFT collectors in their natural environments, such as concerts, music festivals, and online communities, to gain insights into their priorities regarding visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces.

  • Focus group discussions with a diverse range of music enthusiasts and web3 natives to gather in-depth feedback on their expectations and concerns regarding decentralized music platforms and NFT integration.

Key Insights

  • Users across all segments craved a frictionless, user-friendly experience for discovering, sharing, and consuming music, seamlessly blending physical and digital realms.

  • Creators were eager to explore alternative revenue models that provided more control, transparency, and direct connections with fans, such as NFT sales, crowdfunding campaigns, and tokenized royalties.

  • Visual appeal, intuitive navigation, and a cohesive brand identity were critical factors for driving engagement and fostering a sense of community among music fans and web3 enthusiasts.

User Personas

To keep our users' diverse needs and motivations at the forefront throughout the design process, I developed detailed personas representing our core audience segments:

Chris - An independent musician constantly seeking new revenue streams and avenues to foster deeper connections with his fan base. Chris values transparency, control over his creative output, and the ability to collaborate directly with supporters on projects through initiatives like crowdfunding campaigns.

Maven - A passionate music fan with a deep appreciation for artists and a strong desire to support them in unique ways beyond traditional album purchases or streaming services. Maven is intrigued by the concept of music NFTs, which offer a sense of ownership and exclusivity, as well as the opportunity to directly contribute to the success of her favorite creators.

Nate - A tech-savvy web3 enthusiast who is attracted to the potential of decentralized platforms and the benefits they offer, such as transparency, immutable ownership, and new models for monetization. Nate is eager to explore cutting-edge applications of web3 technologies in the music industry and is particularly interested in the possibilities of music NFTs and decentralized crowdfunding.

Visual Design & Branding

Blaqk Stereo's visual identity and brand language were carefully crafted to capture the essence of the music world while evoking a sense of innovation and cutting-edge technology. The design team collaborated closely with branding experts and drew inspiration from various sources to create a cohesive and compelling visual language:

  1. Color Palette: A vibrant yet harmonious color palette was curated, blending bold, attention-grabbing hues with softer, more soothing tones, creating a dynamic and energetic ambiance that resonated with the world of music and creativity. Key colors included white as the primary brand color, complemented by accents of a deep, rich pink, and muted grays, allowing for visual hierarchy and emphasis on critical elements.

  2. Typography: A clean, modern, and highly legible typeface was selected as the primary font, ensuring optimal readability and accessibility across various screen sizes and devices. Complementary display typefaces were incorporated for headings and titles, striking a balance between visual impact and brand expression.

  3. Iconography and Illustrations: A comprehensive icon library was developed, featuring custom-designed icons that adhered to a consistent visual language while conveying functionality and enhancing overall usability. Vibrant, abstract illustrations and patterns were integrated throughout the app, serving as visual anchors and adding depth and character to the overall aesthetic.

  4. Layout and Visual Hierarchy: The app's layout and visual hierarchy were carefully orchestrated to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience, with thoughtful use of whitespace,

Information Architecture

Guided by the insights gained from my user research and the diverse needs represented by the personas, I meticulously mapped out user flows for key tasks and interactions within the Blaqk Stereo app.

These user flows served as the foundation for developing comprehensive wireframes that established the app's information architecture and laid out the structure and functionality of its core sections:

  • Home: This section served as the central hub for the app, featuring an immersive media player for seamless music playback, curated highlights of featured artists and their latest releases or NFT drops, and prominent access to the NFT marketplace.

  • User Profile: A personalized space where users could manage their crypto wallets, view and showcase their NFT collections, track tokenized royalties earned from supporting artists, and access account settings and preferences.

  • Marketplace: A vibrant and dynamic marketplace where users could browse, discover, and trade a wide range of music NFTs, leveraging advanced search and filtering capabilities to find items aligned with their interests and preferences.

  • Launch Deck: Designed specifically for creators, this section provided a powerful suite of tools for launching and managing crowdfunding campaigns, including campaign creation wizards, real-time progress tracking, and features to foster engagement and collaboration with supporters.

The wireframes established a clean, intuitive structure with clear navigation paths, ensuring that users could seamlessly navigate between the app's core features while maintaining a cohesive and consistent experience.

Prototyping & Usability Testing

To validate the proposed designs and gather critical feedback from our target users, we developed interactive prototypes based on the wireframes and conducted multiple rounds of usability testing and iterative refinement:

  1. Low-Fidelity Prototyping and Testing: I created low-fidelity, clickable prototypes to test the overall information architecture, navigation flows, and core functionality with representative users from our target audiences.

    These early tests allowed us to identify areas of friction, confusion, or user experience obstacles within the proposed designs, ensuring we addressed any potential issues before investing resources in high-fidelity visuals.

  2. High-Fidelity Prototyping and Testing: Based on the feedback from low-fidelity testing, I refined the designs and created high-fidelity, interactive prototypes that accurately represented the intended visual language, branding elements, and user interface components.

    These prototypes were rigorously tested with a diverse range of participants, including musicians, music fans, and web3 enthusiasts, to gather in-depth feedback on the overall user experience, intuitiveness of features like NFT browsing and trading, and reactions to the visual designs.

  3. Iterative Refinement: User feedback from each round of testing was meticulously analyzed and incorporated into subsequent design iterations, ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement and optimization.

    Specific enhancements resulting from user feedback included:

    • Simplifying the primary navigation menu to provide quicker access to key features and reduce cognitive load.

    • Implementing context-sensitive tooltips and in-app guidance to clarify complex functionality, such as NFT minting or managing crowdfunding campaigns.

    • Enhancing the search and filtering capabilities within the NFT marketplace, enabling users to more easily discover and explore relevant music NFTs based on their preferences.

This iterative process of prototyping, user testing, and refinement was critical in ensuring that the final Blaqk Stereo app delivered an exceptional user experience tailored to the unique needs and expectations of our diverse user base.

Throughout, the UX prioritized simplicity, visual clarity, and empowering users to leverage Blaqk Stereo's innovative capabilities.


Blaqk Stereo is leading new models for creating, experiencing, and engaging with music by:

  • Enabling independent artists to launch successful crowdfunding campaigns

  • Allowing music fans to build NFT collections and support creators directly

  • Providing a platform to explore decentralized ownership and monetization

Project Overview

Blaqk Stereo is a pioneering web3 music platform designed to bridge the gap between artists and listeners by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized crowdfunding. In an era where the traditional music industry often leaves creators with limited control and transparency, Blaqk Stereo aims to empower artists while providing fans with unique ways to engage with and support their favorite musicians.

As the Product designer on this project, my mission was to create an immersive, user-friendly app that streamlined the creative process for artists while seamlessly incorporating innovative web3 features like NFT minting, trading, and crowdfunding campaign management. By deeply understanding the needs and pain points of both creators and consumers, I strived to design an experience that would transform the way music is created, distributed, and appreciated.

User Research

To gain a comprehensive understanding of our target users' needs, motivations, and frustrations, I conducted extensive user research spanning multiple methodologies:

Musicians & Creators:
  • Contextual inquiries observing artists in their creative environments, such as recording studios and live performances, to witness firsthand the challenges they face in the traditional music industry.

  • In-depth interviews with independent musicians, band managers, and music label representatives to uncover their desire for new revenue models like NFT sales, crowdfunding campaigns, and tokenized royalties that provide more control and transparency.

  • Participatory design workshops with creators to collaboratively ideate and gather feedback on features they would find valuable, such as tools for launching and effectively managing crowdfunding initiatives.

Music Fans & NFT Enthusiasts:
  • Online surveys and polls distributed through music forums, social media, and web3 communities to understand their preferences for seamless music discovery and consumption experiences, as well as their interest in unique ways to support artists and engage with music ownership through NFTs.

  • Ethnographic studies observing the behavior of music fans and NFT collectors in their natural environments, such as concerts, music festivals, and online communities, to gain insights into their priorities regarding visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces.

  • Focus group discussions with a diverse range of music enthusiasts and web3 natives to gather in-depth feedback on their expectations and concerns regarding decentralized music platforms and NFT integration.

Key Insights

  • Users across all segments craved a frictionless, user-friendly experience for discovering, sharing, and consuming music, seamlessly blending physical and digital realms.

  • Creators were eager to explore alternative revenue models that provided more control, transparency, and direct connections with fans, such as NFT sales, crowdfunding campaigns, and tokenized royalties.

  • Visual appeal, intuitive navigation, and a cohesive brand identity were critical factors for driving engagement and fostering a sense of community among music fans and web3 enthusiasts.

User Personas

To keep our users' diverse needs and motivations at the forefront throughout the design process, I developed detailed personas representing our core audience segments:

Chris - An independent musician constantly seeking new revenue streams and avenues to foster deeper connections with his fan base. Chris values transparency, control over his creative output, and the ability to collaborate directly with supporters on projects through initiatives like crowdfunding campaigns.

Maven - A passionate music fan with a deep appreciation for artists and a strong desire to support them in unique ways beyond traditional album purchases or streaming services. Maven is intrigued by the concept of music NFTs, which offer a sense of ownership and exclusivity, as well as the opportunity to directly contribute to the success of her favorite creators.

Nate - A tech-savvy web3 enthusiast who is attracted to the potential of decentralized platforms and the benefits they offer, such as transparency, immutable ownership, and new models for monetization. Nate is eager to explore cutting-edge applications of web3 technologies in the music industry and is particularly interested in the possibilities of music NFTs and decentralized crowdfunding.

Visual Design & Branding

Blaqk Stereo's visual identity and brand language were carefully crafted to capture the essence of the music world while evoking a sense of innovation and cutting-edge technology. The design team collaborated closely with branding experts and drew inspiration from various sources to create a cohesive and compelling visual language:

  1. Color Palette: A vibrant yet harmonious color palette was curated, blending bold, attention-grabbing hues with softer, more soothing tones, creating a dynamic and energetic ambiance that resonated with the world of music and creativity. Key colors included white as the primary brand color, complemented by accents of a deep, rich pink, and muted grays, allowing for visual hierarchy and emphasis on critical elements.

  2. Typography: A clean, modern, and highly legible typeface was selected as the primary font, ensuring optimal readability and accessibility across various screen sizes and devices. Complementary display typefaces were incorporated for headings and titles, striking a balance between visual impact and brand expression.

  3. Iconography and Illustrations: A comprehensive icon library was developed, featuring custom-designed icons that adhered to a consistent visual language while conveying functionality and enhancing overall usability. Vibrant, abstract illustrations and patterns were integrated throughout the app, serving as visual anchors and adding depth and character to the overall aesthetic.

  4. Layout and Visual Hierarchy: The app's layout and visual hierarchy were carefully orchestrated to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience, with thoughtful use of whitespace,

Information Architecture

Guided by the insights gained from my user research and the diverse needs represented by the personas, I meticulously mapped out user flows for key tasks and interactions within the Blaqk Stereo app.

These user flows served as the foundation for developing comprehensive wireframes that established the app's information architecture and laid out the structure and functionality of its core sections:

  • Home: This section served as the central hub for the app, featuring an immersive media player for seamless music playback, curated highlights of featured artists and their latest releases or NFT drops, and prominent access to the NFT marketplace.

  • User Profile: A personalized space where users could manage their crypto wallets, view and showcase their NFT collections, track tokenized royalties earned from supporting artists, and access account settings and preferences.

  • Marketplace: A vibrant and dynamic marketplace where users could browse, discover, and trade a wide range of music NFTs, leveraging advanced search and filtering capabilities to find items aligned with their interests and preferences.

  • Launch Deck: Designed specifically for creators, this section provided a powerful suite of tools for launching and managing crowdfunding campaigns, including campaign creation wizards, real-time progress tracking, and features to foster engagement and collaboration with supporters.

The wireframes established a clean, intuitive structure with clear navigation paths, ensuring that users could seamlessly navigate between the app's core features while maintaining a cohesive and consistent experience.

Prototyping & Usability Testing

To validate the proposed designs and gather critical feedback from our target users, we developed interactive prototypes based on the wireframes and conducted multiple rounds of usability testing and iterative refinement:

  1. Low-Fidelity Prototyping and Testing: I created low-fidelity, clickable prototypes to test the overall information architecture, navigation flows, and core functionality with representative users from our target audiences.

    These early tests allowed us to identify areas of friction, confusion, or user experience obstacles within the proposed designs, ensuring we addressed any potential issues before investing resources in high-fidelity visuals.

  2. High-Fidelity Prototyping and Testing: Based on the feedback from low-fidelity testing, I refined the designs and created high-fidelity, interactive prototypes that accurately represented the intended visual language, branding elements, and user interface components.

    These prototypes were rigorously tested with a diverse range of participants, including musicians, music fans, and web3 enthusiasts, to gather in-depth feedback on the overall user experience, intuitiveness of features like NFT browsing and trading, and reactions to the visual designs.

  3. Iterative Refinement: User feedback from each round of testing was meticulously analyzed and incorporated into subsequent design iterations, ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement and optimization.

    Specific enhancements resulting from user feedback included:

    • Simplifying the primary navigation menu to provide quicker access to key features and reduce cognitive load.

    • Implementing context-sensitive tooltips and in-app guidance to clarify complex functionality, such as NFT minting or managing crowdfunding campaigns.

    • Enhancing the search and filtering capabilities within the NFT marketplace, enabling users to more easily discover and explore relevant music NFTs based on their preferences.

This iterative process of prototyping, user testing, and refinement was critical in ensuring that the final Blaqk Stereo app delivered an exceptional user experience tailored to the unique needs and expectations of our diverse user base.

Throughout, the UX prioritized simplicity, visual clarity, and empowering users to leverage Blaqk Stereo's innovative capabilities.


Blaqk Stereo is leading new models for creating, experiencing, and engaging with music by:

  • Enabling independent artists to launch successful crowdfunding campaigns

  • Allowing music fans to build NFT collections and support creators directly

  • Providing a platform to explore decentralized ownership and monetization

Project Overview

Blaqk Stereo is a pioneering web3 music platform designed to bridge the gap between artists and listeners by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized crowdfunding. In an era where the traditional music industry often leaves creators with limited control and transparency, Blaqk Stereo aims to empower artists while providing fans with unique ways to engage with and support their favorite musicians.

As the Product designer on this project, my mission was to create an immersive, user-friendly app that streamlined the creative process for artists while seamlessly incorporating innovative web3 features like NFT minting, trading, and crowdfunding campaign management. By deeply understanding the needs and pain points of both creators and consumers, I strived to design an experience that would transform the way music is created, distributed, and appreciated.

User Research

To gain a comprehensive understanding of our target users' needs, motivations, and frustrations, I conducted extensive user research spanning multiple methodologies:

Musicians & Creators:
  • Contextual inquiries observing artists in their creative environments, such as recording studios and live performances, to witness firsthand the challenges they face in the traditional music industry.

  • In-depth interviews with independent musicians, band managers, and music label representatives to uncover their desire for new revenue models like NFT sales, crowdfunding campaigns, and tokenized royalties that provide more control and transparency.

  • Participatory design workshops with creators to collaboratively ideate and gather feedback on features they would find valuable, such as tools for launching and effectively managing crowdfunding initiatives.

Music Fans & NFT Enthusiasts:
  • Online surveys and polls distributed through music forums, social media, and web3 communities to understand their preferences for seamless music discovery and consumption experiences, as well as their interest in unique ways to support artists and engage with music ownership through NFTs.

  • Ethnographic studies observing the behavior of music fans and NFT collectors in their natural environments, such as concerts, music festivals, and online communities, to gain insights into their priorities regarding visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces.

  • Focus group discussions with a diverse range of music enthusiasts and web3 natives to gather in-depth feedback on their expectations and concerns regarding decentralized music platforms and NFT integration.

Key Insights

  • Users across all segments craved a frictionless, user-friendly experience for discovering, sharing, and consuming music, seamlessly blending physical and digital realms.

  • Creators were eager to explore alternative revenue models that provided more control, transparency, and direct connections with fans, such as NFT sales, crowdfunding campaigns, and tokenized royalties.

  • Visual appeal, intuitive navigation, and a cohesive brand identity were critical factors for driving engagement and fostering a sense of community among music fans and web3 enthusiasts.

User Personas

To keep our users' diverse needs and motivations at the forefront throughout the design process, I developed detailed personas representing our core audience segments:

Chris - An independent musician constantly seeking new revenue streams and avenues to foster deeper connections with his fan base. Chris values transparency, control over his creative output, and the ability to collaborate directly with supporters on projects through initiatives like crowdfunding campaigns.

Maven - A passionate music fan with a deep appreciation for artists and a strong desire to support them in unique ways beyond traditional album purchases or streaming services. Maven is intrigued by the concept of music NFTs, which offer a sense of ownership and exclusivity, as well as the opportunity to directly contribute to the success of her favorite creators.

Nate - A tech-savvy web3 enthusiast who is attracted to the potential of decentralized platforms and the benefits they offer, such as transparency, immutable ownership, and new models for monetization. Nate is eager to explore cutting-edge applications of web3 technologies in the music industry and is particularly interested in the possibilities of music NFTs and decentralized crowdfunding.

Visual Design & Branding

Blaqk Stereo's visual identity and brand language were carefully crafted to capture the essence of the music world while evoking a sense of innovation and cutting-edge technology. The design team collaborated closely with branding experts and drew inspiration from various sources to create a cohesive and compelling visual language:

  1. Color Palette: A vibrant yet harmonious color palette was curated, blending bold, attention-grabbing hues with softer, more soothing tones, creating a dynamic and energetic ambiance that resonated with the world of music and creativity. Key colors included white as the primary brand color, complemented by accents of a deep, rich pink, and muted grays, allowing for visual hierarchy and emphasis on critical elements.

  2. Typography: A clean, modern, and highly legible typeface was selected as the primary font, ensuring optimal readability and accessibility across various screen sizes and devices. Complementary display typefaces were incorporated for headings and titles, striking a balance between visual impact and brand expression.

  3. Iconography and Illustrations: A comprehensive icon library was developed, featuring custom-designed icons that adhered to a consistent visual language while conveying functionality and enhancing overall usability. Vibrant, abstract illustrations and patterns were integrated throughout the app, serving as visual anchors and adding depth and character to the overall aesthetic.

  4. Layout and Visual Hierarchy: The app's layout and visual hierarchy were carefully orchestrated to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience, with thoughtful use of whitespace,

Information Architecture

Guided by the insights gained from my user research and the diverse needs represented by the personas, I meticulously mapped out user flows for key tasks and interactions within the Blaqk Stereo app.

These user flows served as the foundation for developing comprehensive wireframes that established the app's information architecture and laid out the structure and functionality of its core sections:

  • Home: This section served as the central hub for the app, featuring an immersive media player for seamless music playback, curated highlights of featured artists and their latest releases or NFT drops, and prominent access to the NFT marketplace.

  • User Profile: A personalized space where users could manage their crypto wallets, view and showcase their NFT collections, track tokenized royalties earned from supporting artists, and access account settings and preferences.

  • Marketplace: A vibrant and dynamic marketplace where users could browse, discover, and trade a wide range of music NFTs, leveraging advanced search and filtering capabilities to find items aligned with their interests and preferences.

  • Launch Deck: Designed specifically for creators, this section provided a powerful suite of tools for launching and managing crowdfunding campaigns, including campaign creation wizards, real-time progress tracking, and features to foster engagement and collaboration with supporters.

The wireframes established a clean, intuitive structure with clear navigation paths, ensuring that users could seamlessly navigate between the app's core features while maintaining a cohesive and consistent experience.

Prototyping & Usability Testing

To validate the proposed designs and gather critical feedback from our target users, we developed interactive prototypes based on the wireframes and conducted multiple rounds of usability testing and iterative refinement:

  1. Low-Fidelity Prototyping and Testing: I created low-fidelity, clickable prototypes to test the overall information architecture, navigation flows, and core functionality with representative users from our target audiences.

    These early tests allowed us to identify areas of friction, confusion, or user experience obstacles within the proposed designs, ensuring we addressed any potential issues before investing resources in high-fidelity visuals.

  2. High-Fidelity Prototyping and Testing: Based on the feedback from low-fidelity testing, I refined the designs and created high-fidelity, interactive prototypes that accurately represented the intended visual language, branding elements, and user interface components.

    These prototypes were rigorously tested with a diverse range of participants, including musicians, music fans, and web3 enthusiasts, to gather in-depth feedback on the overall user experience, intuitiveness of features like NFT browsing and trading, and reactions to the visual designs.

  3. Iterative Refinement: User feedback from each round of testing was meticulously analyzed and incorporated into subsequent design iterations, ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement and optimization.

    Specific enhancements resulting from user feedback included:

    • Simplifying the primary navigation menu to provide quicker access to key features and reduce cognitive load.

    • Implementing context-sensitive tooltips and in-app guidance to clarify complex functionality, such as NFT minting or managing crowdfunding campaigns.

    • Enhancing the search and filtering capabilities within the NFT marketplace, enabling users to more easily discover and explore relevant music NFTs based on their preferences.

This iterative process of prototyping, user testing, and refinement was critical in ensuring that the final Blaqk Stereo app delivered an exceptional user experience tailored to the unique needs and expectations of our diverse user base.

Throughout, the UX prioritized simplicity, visual clarity, and empowering users to leverage Blaqk Stereo's innovative capabilities.


Blaqk Stereo is leading new models for creating, experiencing, and engaging with music by:

  • Enabling independent artists to launch successful crowdfunding campaigns

  • Allowing music fans to build NFT collections and support creators directly

  • Providing a platform to explore decentralized ownership and monetization

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© Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.

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