SSAF Logistics

SSAF Logistics

SSAF Logistics


1 month

Web and Mobile App Design


1 month

Web and Mobile App Design


1 month

Web and Mobile App Design

SSAF Customer Web App
SSAF Customer Web App


SSAF Logistics, a prominent shipping and logistics provider, had been relying on traditional, manual processes for their operations. While effective, this approach was becoming increasingly cumbersome and inefficient, leading to customer dissatisfaction and operational bottlenecks. Recognizing the need for digital transformation, SSAF Logistics entrusted me, as the Product Designer, with conceptualizing and developing a cutting-edge web application that would streamline shipping processes, enhance user satisfaction, and propel the company to the forefront of the industry.

Immersing in User Experiences

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing workflows, pain points, and user needs, I employed a multifaceted research approach:

  1. Contextual Observations: I conducted on-site observations of logistics professionals in their natural work environments, such as warehouses, distribution centers, and transportation hubs. This allowed me to witness firsthand the intricate, manual processes involved in managing shipments, from coordinating pickups and deliveries to handling documentation and tracking.

  2. In-Depth Conversations: I facilitated one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions with a diverse range of stakeholders, including shippers, receivers, administrators, and logistics managers. These sessions allowed me to look deeply into their goals, frustrations, and desired features in a digital logistics platform. Key insights included the need for streamlined quote generation, real-time shipment tracking, seamless integration with carrier systems, and robust reporting capabilities.

  3. Quantitative Validation: To supplement the qualitative research, I developed comprehensive surveys and distributed them to a larger sample of SSAF Logistics' customers and employees. These surveys helped quantify the prevalence of specific pain points and validated the key findings from the contextual observations and interviews.

Bringing User Personas To Life

Based on the rich research findings, I created detailed user personas representing SSAF Logistics' diverse user groups. These personas served as a constant reminder of the real people and their unique needs throughout the design process.

By visualizing these journeys, I was able to identify opportunities to design the user flow for each persona:

A Centralized Platform:

Develop a single platform for quote requests, booking, and shipment tracking (addressing Evelyn and Alex's pain points).

Data & Reporting Tools:

Provide robust data visualization and customizable reporting options (addressing Alex's needs).

Pricing Transparency:

Offer clear and upfront pricing structures with a comparison tool (addressing Carl's concerns).

These designs will lead to a more efficient and user-friendly logistics experience for all personas.

Iterative Design and User Validation

Armed with a deep understanding of user needs, I embarked on an iterative design process, creating low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes that were continuously refined through user testing and feedback.

  1. Wireframing: I developed wireframes that explored various design concepts and information architectures, focusing on intuitive navigation and streamlined workflows. For example, I experimented with different layout options for the shipment management dashboard, considering the prioritization of critical information and the logical grouping of related features.

  1. Prototyping: Using Figma, I created interactive prototypes that simulated the proposed user experiences, allowing for realistic user testing and feedback gathering. These prototypes enabled users to navigate through the various workflows, such as generating quotes, creating shipments, and tracking deliveries, providing invaluable insights into the usability and intuitiveness of the proposed design.

  1. User Testing: Throughout the design process, I conducted multiple rounds of usability testing with representative users from SSAF Logistics' customer base and internal teams. These sessions involved presenting the prototypes to users and observing their interactions, thought processes, and feedback. Crucially, I also employed remote testing tools to gather feedback from a geographically diverse user base, ensuring the design's suitability across different regions and contexts.

One notable iteration involved optimizing the shipment creation workflow. Initial user testing revealed frustration with the number of steps required to generate a shipment, as well as confusion around certain field labels and input requirements. By consolidating redundant steps, leveraging progressive disclosure, and refining the terminology based on user feedback, the final design streamlined the shipment creation process while significantly improving the overall user experience.

The Final Design

The final design embodied a user-friendly interface tailored to the logistics industry's unique demands, while adhering to SSAF Logistics' brand guidelines and visual identity.

  1. Instant Autoquote: A seamless quote generation process that allowed users to quickly obtain pricing estimates from multiple carriers simultaneously. This feature streamlined the previously manual process of contacting individual carriers and negotiating rates. By leveraging APIs and integrations with major carriers, the platform provided instant quotes, reducing response times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  2. Streamlined Shipment Creation: A simplified workflow that empowered users to create shipments effortlessly. Users could input shipment details, select preferred carriers and rates, and generate necessary documentation with minimal effort. This streamlined process eliminated the need for manual paperwork, minimizing the potential for errors and ensuring accurate and efficient shipment processing.

  3. Comprehensive Shipment Management: A centralized hub providing real-time visibility into shipment statuses across multiple carriers. Users could track shipments from a single location, eliminating the need to contact individual carriers for updates. The dashboard featured customizable filters, search capabilities, and visual cues (e.g., color-coding) to quickly identify shipments requiring attention or action.

  4. Advanced Analytics: Robust analytics capabilities with customizable dashboards and reporting features, enabling users to measure key performance metrics such as on-time delivery rates, carrier performance, and cost analysis. Users could generate detailed reports, visualize data through interactive charts and graphs, and set up automated reporting schedules, empowering data-driven decision-making and identifying opportunities for optimization.

Throughout the design process, I prioritized accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring compliance with WCAG guidelines and accommodating users with diverse abilities and backgrounds. This included implementing features such as keyboard navigation, high-contrast mode, and screen reader compatibility, ensuring the platform was usable by individuals with varying visual, auditory, or motor capabilities.

Measuring Success & Impact

The user-centered design approach and the new SSAF Logistics web application yielded tangible results and measurable success:

  • Significant reduction in manual effort and administrative tasks, as evidenced by feedback from logistics professionals praising the platform's ability to streamline operations and eliminate paperwork.

  • Improved customer satisfaction scores, reflecting the platform's enhanced usability and efficiency. This was measured through post-implementation surveys and Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings, which showed a significant uplift in user satisfaction compared to the previous manual processes.

  • Increased quote conversion rates, attributed to the streamlined quote generation and shipment creation workflows. By analyzing conversion funnel data, it became evident that the optimized workflows led to a higher percentage of quotes being successfully converted into active shipments.

  • Positive feedback from logistics professionals, praising the platform's intuitive design and time-saving features. Qualitative feedback collected through user interviews and focus groups highlighted the platform's ability to provide real-time visibility, improve communication, and reduce errors.

Through a thoughtful blend of user research, iterative design, and a focus on usability and accessibility, the SSAF Logistics web application will improve the company's operations, empowering users with a seamless and efficient digital experience while positioning SSAF Logistics as an industry leader in logistics technology.


SSAF Logistics, a prominent shipping and logistics provider, had been relying on traditional, manual processes for their operations. While effective, this approach was becoming increasingly cumbersome and inefficient, leading to customer dissatisfaction and operational bottlenecks. Recognizing the need for digital transformation, SSAF Logistics entrusted me, as the Product Designer, with conceptualizing and developing a cutting-edge web application that would streamline shipping processes, enhance user satisfaction, and propel the company to the forefront of the industry.

Immersing in User Experiences

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing workflows, pain points, and user needs, I employed a multifaceted research approach:

  1. Contextual Observations: I conducted on-site observations of logistics professionals in their natural work environments, such as warehouses, distribution centers, and transportation hubs. This allowed me to witness firsthand the intricate, manual processes involved in managing shipments, from coordinating pickups and deliveries to handling documentation and tracking.

  2. In-Depth Conversations: I facilitated one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions with a diverse range of stakeholders, including shippers, receivers, administrators, and logistics managers. These sessions allowed me to look deeply into their goals, frustrations, and desired features in a digital logistics platform. Key insights included the need for streamlined quote generation, real-time shipment tracking, seamless integration with carrier systems, and robust reporting capabilities.

  3. Quantitative Validation: To supplement the qualitative research, I developed comprehensive surveys and distributed them to a larger sample of SSAF Logistics' customers and employees. These surveys helped quantify the prevalence of specific pain points and validated the key findings from the contextual observations and interviews.

Bringing User Personas To Life

Based on the rich research findings, I created detailed user personas representing SSAF Logistics' diverse user groups. These personas served as a constant reminder of the real people and their unique needs throughout the design process.

By visualizing these journeys, I was able to identify opportunities to design the user flow for each persona:

A Centralized Platform:

Develop a single platform for quote requests, booking, and shipment tracking (addressing Evelyn and Alex's pain points).

Data & Reporting Tools:

Provide robust data visualization and customizable reporting options (addressing Alex's needs).

Pricing Transparency:

Offer clear and upfront pricing structures with a comparison tool (addressing Carl's concerns).

These designs will lead to a more efficient and user-friendly logistics experience for all personas.

Iterative Design and User Validation

Armed with a deep understanding of user needs, I embarked on an iterative design process, creating low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes that were continuously refined through user testing and feedback.

  1. Wireframing: I developed wireframes that explored various design concepts and information architectures, focusing on intuitive navigation and streamlined workflows. For example, I experimented with different layout options for the shipment management dashboard, considering the prioritization of critical information and the logical grouping of related features.

  1. Prototyping: Using Figma, I created interactive prototypes that simulated the proposed user experiences, allowing for realistic user testing and feedback gathering. These prototypes enabled users to navigate through the various workflows, such as generating quotes, creating shipments, and tracking deliveries, providing invaluable insights into the usability and intuitiveness of the proposed design.

  1. User Testing: Throughout the design process, I conducted multiple rounds of usability testing with representative users from SSAF Logistics' customer base and internal teams. These sessions involved presenting the prototypes to users and observing their interactions, thought processes, and feedback. Crucially, I also employed remote testing tools to gather feedback from a geographically diverse user base, ensuring the design's suitability across different regions and contexts.

One notable iteration involved optimizing the shipment creation workflow. Initial user testing revealed frustration with the number of steps required to generate a shipment, as well as confusion around certain field labels and input requirements. By consolidating redundant steps, leveraging progressive disclosure, and refining the terminology based on user feedback, the final design streamlined the shipment creation process while significantly improving the overall user experience.

The Final Design

The final design embodied a user-friendly interface tailored to the logistics industry's unique demands, while adhering to SSAF Logistics' brand guidelines and visual identity.

  1. Instant Autoquote: A seamless quote generation process that allowed users to quickly obtain pricing estimates from multiple carriers simultaneously. This feature streamlined the previously manual process of contacting individual carriers and negotiating rates. By leveraging APIs and integrations with major carriers, the platform provided instant quotes, reducing response times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  2. Streamlined Shipment Creation: A simplified workflow that empowered users to create shipments effortlessly. Users could input shipment details, select preferred carriers and rates, and generate necessary documentation with minimal effort. This streamlined process eliminated the need for manual paperwork, minimizing the potential for errors and ensuring accurate and efficient shipment processing.

  3. Comprehensive Shipment Management: A centralized hub providing real-time visibility into shipment statuses across multiple carriers. Users could track shipments from a single location, eliminating the need to contact individual carriers for updates. The dashboard featured customizable filters, search capabilities, and visual cues (e.g., color-coding) to quickly identify shipments requiring attention or action.

  4. Advanced Analytics: Robust analytics capabilities with customizable dashboards and reporting features, enabling users to measure key performance metrics such as on-time delivery rates, carrier performance, and cost analysis. Users could generate detailed reports, visualize data through interactive charts and graphs, and set up automated reporting schedules, empowering data-driven decision-making and identifying opportunities for optimization.

Throughout the design process, I prioritized accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring compliance with WCAG guidelines and accommodating users with diverse abilities and backgrounds. This included implementing features such as keyboard navigation, high-contrast mode, and screen reader compatibility, ensuring the platform was usable by individuals with varying visual, auditory, or motor capabilities.

Measuring Success & Impact

The user-centered design approach and the new SSAF Logistics web application yielded tangible results and measurable success:

  • Significant reduction in manual effort and administrative tasks, as evidenced by feedback from logistics professionals praising the platform's ability to streamline operations and eliminate paperwork.

  • Improved customer satisfaction scores, reflecting the platform's enhanced usability and efficiency. This was measured through post-implementation surveys and Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings, which showed a significant uplift in user satisfaction compared to the previous manual processes.

  • Increased quote conversion rates, attributed to the streamlined quote generation and shipment creation workflows. By analyzing conversion funnel data, it became evident that the optimized workflows led to a higher percentage of quotes being successfully converted into active shipments.

  • Positive feedback from logistics professionals, praising the platform's intuitive design and time-saving features. Qualitative feedback collected through user interviews and focus groups highlighted the platform's ability to provide real-time visibility, improve communication, and reduce errors.

Through a thoughtful blend of user research, iterative design, and a focus on usability and accessibility, the SSAF Logistics web application will improve the company's operations, empowering users with a seamless and efficient digital experience while positioning SSAF Logistics as an industry leader in logistics technology.


SSAF Logistics, a prominent shipping and logistics provider, had been relying on traditional, manual processes for their operations. While effective, this approach was becoming increasingly cumbersome and inefficient, leading to customer dissatisfaction and operational bottlenecks. Recognizing the need for digital transformation, SSAF Logistics entrusted me, as the Product Designer, with conceptualizing and developing a cutting-edge web application that would streamline shipping processes, enhance user satisfaction, and propel the company to the forefront of the industry.

Immersing in User Experiences

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing workflows, pain points, and user needs, I employed a multifaceted research approach:

  1. Contextual Observations: I conducted on-site observations of logistics professionals in their natural work environments, such as warehouses, distribution centers, and transportation hubs. This allowed me to witness firsthand the intricate, manual processes involved in managing shipments, from coordinating pickups and deliveries to handling documentation and tracking.

  2. In-Depth Conversations: I facilitated one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions with a diverse range of stakeholders, including shippers, receivers, administrators, and logistics managers. These sessions allowed me to look deeply into their goals, frustrations, and desired features in a digital logistics platform. Key insights included the need for streamlined quote generation, real-time shipment tracking, seamless integration with carrier systems, and robust reporting capabilities.

  3. Quantitative Validation: To supplement the qualitative research, I developed comprehensive surveys and distributed them to a larger sample of SSAF Logistics' customers and employees. These surveys helped quantify the prevalence of specific pain points and validated the key findings from the contextual observations and interviews.

Bringing User Personas To Life

Based on the rich research findings, I created detailed user personas representing SSAF Logistics' diverse user groups. These personas served as a constant reminder of the real people and their unique needs throughout the design process.

By visualizing these journeys, I was able to identify opportunities to design the user flow for each persona:

A Centralized Platform:

Develop a single platform for quote requests, booking, and shipment tracking (addressing Evelyn and Alex's pain points).

Data & Reporting Tools:

Provide robust data visualization and customizable reporting options (addressing Alex's needs).

Pricing Transparency:

Offer clear and upfront pricing structures with a comparison tool (addressing Carl's concerns).

These designs will lead to a more efficient and user-friendly logistics experience for all personas.

Iterative Design and User Validation

Armed with a deep understanding of user needs, I embarked on an iterative design process, creating low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes that were continuously refined through user testing and feedback.

  1. Wireframing: I developed wireframes that explored various design concepts and information architectures, focusing on intuitive navigation and streamlined workflows. For example, I experimented with different layout options for the shipment management dashboard, considering the prioritization of critical information and the logical grouping of related features.

  1. Prototyping: Using Figma, I created interactive prototypes that simulated the proposed user experiences, allowing for realistic user testing and feedback gathering. These prototypes enabled users to navigate through the various workflows, such as generating quotes, creating shipments, and tracking deliveries, providing invaluable insights into the usability and intuitiveness of the proposed design.

  1. User Testing: Throughout the design process, I conducted multiple rounds of usability testing with representative users from SSAF Logistics' customer base and internal teams. These sessions involved presenting the prototypes to users and observing their interactions, thought processes, and feedback. Crucially, I also employed remote testing tools to gather feedback from a geographically diverse user base, ensuring the design's suitability across different regions and contexts.

One notable iteration involved optimizing the shipment creation workflow. Initial user testing revealed frustration with the number of steps required to generate a shipment, as well as confusion around certain field labels and input requirements. By consolidating redundant steps, leveraging progressive disclosure, and refining the terminology based on user feedback, the final design streamlined the shipment creation process while significantly improving the overall user experience.

The Final Design

The final design embodied a user-friendly interface tailored to the logistics industry's unique demands, while adhering to SSAF Logistics' brand guidelines and visual identity.

  1. Instant Autoquote: A seamless quote generation process that allowed users to quickly obtain pricing estimates from multiple carriers simultaneously. This feature streamlined the previously manual process of contacting individual carriers and negotiating rates. By leveraging APIs and integrations with major carriers, the platform provided instant quotes, reducing response times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  2. Streamlined Shipment Creation: A simplified workflow that empowered users to create shipments effortlessly. Users could input shipment details, select preferred carriers and rates, and generate necessary documentation with minimal effort. This streamlined process eliminated the need for manual paperwork, minimizing the potential for errors and ensuring accurate and efficient shipment processing.

  3. Comprehensive Shipment Management: A centralized hub providing real-time visibility into shipment statuses across multiple carriers. Users could track shipments from a single location, eliminating the need to contact individual carriers for updates. The dashboard featured customizable filters, search capabilities, and visual cues (e.g., color-coding) to quickly identify shipments requiring attention or action.

  4. Advanced Analytics: Robust analytics capabilities with customizable dashboards and reporting features, enabling users to measure key performance metrics such as on-time delivery rates, carrier performance, and cost analysis. Users could generate detailed reports, visualize data through interactive charts and graphs, and set up automated reporting schedules, empowering data-driven decision-making and identifying opportunities for optimization.

Throughout the design process, I prioritized accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring compliance with WCAG guidelines and accommodating users with diverse abilities and backgrounds. This included implementing features such as keyboard navigation, high-contrast mode, and screen reader compatibility, ensuring the platform was usable by individuals with varying visual, auditory, or motor capabilities.

Measuring Success & Impact

The user-centered design approach and the new SSAF Logistics web application yielded tangible results and measurable success:

  • Significant reduction in manual effort and administrative tasks, as evidenced by feedback from logistics professionals praising the platform's ability to streamline operations and eliminate paperwork.

  • Improved customer satisfaction scores, reflecting the platform's enhanced usability and efficiency. This was measured through post-implementation surveys and Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings, which showed a significant uplift in user satisfaction compared to the previous manual processes.

  • Increased quote conversion rates, attributed to the streamlined quote generation and shipment creation workflows. By analyzing conversion funnel data, it became evident that the optimized workflows led to a higher percentage of quotes being successfully converted into active shipments.

  • Positive feedback from logistics professionals, praising the platform's intuitive design and time-saving features. Qualitative feedback collected through user interviews and focus groups highlighted the platform's ability to provide real-time visibility, improve communication, and reduce errors.

Through a thoughtful blend of user research, iterative design, and a focus on usability and accessibility, the SSAF Logistics web application will improve the company's operations, empowering users with a seamless and efficient digital experience while positioning SSAF Logistics as an industry leader in logistics technology.

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