Union Bank Redesign

Union Bank Redesign

Union Bank Redesign


1 month

Mobile app


1 month

Mobile app


1 month

Mobile app

Project Objective:

To improve the user experience and interface design of Union Bank's mobile banking app, making it more appealing and user-friendly, especially to younger demographics.

Problem Statement:

Union Bank is often perceived as a traditional, conservative bank, and its current mobile banking app reflects this image. The app is not user-friendly, with a somewhat cluttered interface and confusing navigation. This leads to low usage and customer satisfaction among younger demographics.

Target Audience:

Age: 18-35
Tech-savvy: Comfortable with technology and smartphones
Bank Habits: Prefer to do their banking online
Habits and Needs: Expect a user-friendly and visually appealing experience

Design Process:

I followed a user-centered design approach to create the solution. This involved a focus on the needs and preferences of the target audience and a design process that was iterative and based on feedback.

The following steps were taken:
- Research: Conducted extensive research on the target audience and their banking habits, as well as competitors' mobile apps.
- Ideation: Generated multiple design concepts and prototypes based on the research findings.
- User Testing: Conducted user testing on multiple prototypes to gather feedback and make iterative improvements.
- Final Design: Based on the feedback, a final design was created that addressed the pain points and improved the overall user experience.

Design Principles:

  • Simplicity: The design aimed to simplify the mobile banking experience by reducing clutter and making it easier to use.

  • Visually Appealing: The design aimed to be visually appealing and modern, to appeal to the target audience.

  • User-centered: The design was focused on meeting the needs and preferences of the target audience.

By following this approach, I was able to create a solution that addressed the key pain points and provided a more user-friendly and visually appealing mobile banking experience for Union Bank customers.

Typography & Colors:

Key Features

  • Streamlined Navigation: The navigation has been simplified, making it easier for users to access the features they need.

  • Customizable Home Screen: The home screen is now customizable, allowing users to access their most frequently used features quickly.

  • Sleek and Modern Look: The overall look and feel of the app has been updated to be more modern and appealing to younger demographics.

  • Improved Onboarding Experience: The onboarding experience has been simplified and made more user-friendly, with clear explanations of how to use the app.

  • Enhanced Security Features: The app has been updated with improved security features, giving users peace of mind when banking on the go.

Visual Design


  • Increased User Satisfaction: The updated design has received positive feedback from potential users, with many stating that the design of the app feels more user-friendly and visually appealing.

  • Increased Usage: The app's usage will be increased, with many users now preferring to use mobile apps over traditional banking methods.

  • Improved Brand Image: The updated app will help improve Union Bank's image, positioning the bank as a modern, forward-thinking financial institution.


This design project was a great opportunity for me to explore the potential improvements to Union Bank's mobile banking app's design. The updated design addresses the key pain points and provides a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience. Although this design project was not implemented, it serves as a valuable reference for future design projects and highlights the potential benefits of a well-designed mobile banking app.

Project Objective:

To improve the user experience and interface design of Union Bank's mobile banking app, making it more appealing and user-friendly, especially to younger demographics.

Problem Statement:

Union Bank is often perceived as a traditional, conservative bank, and its current mobile banking app reflects this image. The app is not user-friendly, with a somewhat cluttered interface and confusing navigation. This leads to low usage and customer satisfaction among younger demographics.

Target Audience:

Age: 18-35
Tech-savvy: Comfortable with technology and smartphones
Bank Habits: Prefer to do their banking online
Habits and Needs: Expect a user-friendly and visually appealing experience

Design Process:

I followed a user-centered design approach to create the solution. This involved a focus on the needs and preferences of the target audience and a design process that was iterative and based on feedback.

The following steps were taken:
- Research: Conducted extensive research on the target audience and their banking habits, as well as competitors' mobile apps.
- Ideation: Generated multiple design concepts and prototypes based on the research findings.
- User Testing: Conducted user testing on multiple prototypes to gather feedback and make iterative improvements.
- Final Design: Based on the feedback, a final design was created that addressed the pain points and improved the overall user experience.

Design Principles:

  • Simplicity: The design aimed to simplify the mobile banking experience by reducing clutter and making it easier to use.

  • Visually Appealing: The design aimed to be visually appealing and modern, to appeal to the target audience.

  • User-centered: The design was focused on meeting the needs and preferences of the target audience.

By following this approach, I was able to create a solution that addressed the key pain points and provided a more user-friendly and visually appealing mobile banking experience for Union Bank customers.

Typography & Colors:

Key Features

  • Streamlined Navigation: The navigation has been simplified, making it easier for users to access the features they need.

  • Customizable Home Screen: The home screen is now customizable, allowing users to access their most frequently used features quickly.

  • Sleek and Modern Look: The overall look and feel of the app has been updated to be more modern and appealing to younger demographics.

  • Improved Onboarding Experience: The onboarding experience has been simplified and made more user-friendly, with clear explanations of how to use the app.

  • Enhanced Security Features: The app has been updated with improved security features, giving users peace of mind when banking on the go.

Visual Design


  • Increased User Satisfaction: The updated design has received positive feedback from potential users, with many stating that the design of the app feels more user-friendly and visually appealing.

  • Increased Usage: The app's usage will be increased, with many users now preferring to use mobile apps over traditional banking methods.

  • Improved Brand Image: The updated app will help improve Union Bank's image, positioning the bank as a modern, forward-thinking financial institution.


This design project was a great opportunity for me to explore the potential improvements to Union Bank's mobile banking app's design. The updated design addresses the key pain points and provides a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience. Although this design project was not implemented, it serves as a valuable reference for future design projects and highlights the potential benefits of a well-designed mobile banking app.

Project Objective:

To improve the user experience and interface design of Union Bank's mobile banking app, making it more appealing and user-friendly, especially to younger demographics.

Problem Statement:

Union Bank is often perceived as a traditional, conservative bank, and its current mobile banking app reflects this image. The app is not user-friendly, with a somewhat cluttered interface and confusing navigation. This leads to low usage and customer satisfaction among younger demographics.

Target Audience:

Age: 18-35
Tech-savvy: Comfortable with technology and smartphones
Bank Habits: Prefer to do their banking online
Habits and Needs: Expect a user-friendly and visually appealing experience

Design Process:

I followed a user-centered design approach to create the solution. This involved a focus on the needs and preferences of the target audience and a design process that was iterative and based on feedback.

The following steps were taken:
- Research: Conducted extensive research on the target audience and their banking habits, as well as competitors' mobile apps.
- Ideation: Generated multiple design concepts and prototypes based on the research findings.
- User Testing: Conducted user testing on multiple prototypes to gather feedback and make iterative improvements.
- Final Design: Based on the feedback, a final design was created that addressed the pain points and improved the overall user experience.

Design Principles:

  • Simplicity: The design aimed to simplify the mobile banking experience by reducing clutter and making it easier to use.

  • Visually Appealing: The design aimed to be visually appealing and modern, to appeal to the target audience.

  • User-centered: The design was focused on meeting the needs and preferences of the target audience.

By following this approach, I was able to create a solution that addressed the key pain points and provided a more user-friendly and visually appealing mobile banking experience for Union Bank customers.

Typography & Colors:

Key Features

  • Streamlined Navigation: The navigation has been simplified, making it easier for users to access the features they need.

  • Customizable Home Screen: The home screen is now customizable, allowing users to access their most frequently used features quickly.

  • Sleek and Modern Look: The overall look and feel of the app has been updated to be more modern and appealing to younger demographics.

  • Improved Onboarding Experience: The onboarding experience has been simplified and made more user-friendly, with clear explanations of how to use the app.

  • Enhanced Security Features: The app has been updated with improved security features, giving users peace of mind when banking on the go.

Visual Design


  • Increased User Satisfaction: The updated design has received positive feedback from potential users, with many stating that the design of the app feels more user-friendly and visually appealing.

  • Increased Usage: The app's usage will be increased, with many users now preferring to use mobile apps over traditional banking methods.

  • Improved Brand Image: The updated app will help improve Union Bank's image, positioning the bank as a modern, forward-thinking financial institution.


This design project was a great opportunity for me to explore the potential improvements to Union Bank's mobile banking app's design. The updated design addresses the key pain points and provides a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience. Although this design project was not implemented, it serves as a valuable reference for future design projects and highlights the potential benefits of a well-designed mobile banking app.

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